I like handicraft. I like singing - my neighbors just have iron nerves. When I start singing, I can't be stopped). I also like drawing. Once I was so carried away by drawing a picture that I stopped after seeing my reflection in the mirror. A girl covered in paint was looking at me. Well, I looked like Da Vinci). I like to dance flamenco, tango. I do not dance at home, otherwise I will break all the vases at home. I go to the theater studio. I paint pictures, attend different culinary and creative master classes, do fitness, pool. I like to photograph and be photographed. I love dogs.
I am a romantic, dreamy, emotional, impressionable, mysterious, strange, active, artistic, creative, sociable, open woman. I can emotionally say something, jump around the room and wave my arms, sing, dance, chat incessantly. I also can be quiet, calm, sit in a corner and be silent. I can listen and hear, read between the lines and see what is not said. I feel people intuitively. Sometimes, of course, intuition fails. I love learning something new. I dreamed of becoming a singer, actress, model and artist!
45 - 65 years old
The requirements are simple - he should be the best for me. He is an active, athletic, thinking, caring, kind man with a sense of humor. He should have the ability to understand and support. Which woman does not dream of feeling support in difficult times? A woman feels discouraged if she has problems at work or if she needs to see a doctor, she wants to rely on a friendly helping shoulder and needs moral and physical support. The man who is ready to help and support - a wonderful husband, a good son for his parents and a great father for our children. With such a man, a woman can go on a reconnaissance. He will not betray, give up, he will help, no matter what it costs him, because he loves and values his woman. I want to have with him complete understanding and mutual respect. I want to have with him common hobbies, travel together, go to concerts, play sports.
Dotan - Numb
I like contemporary popular and rock music.
The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield, The Girl You Left Behind by JoJo Moyes.
I like roses, orchids.
I like spring, when everything awakens from winter sleep, greenery flood blooms. It is incredible beauty.
Brad Pitt, Bruce Willis, Sean Connery, Sandra Bullock, Nicole Kidman.
1 + 1, Troy, Pretty Woman, Ocean's 8, Hitch, Friends TV series.
I like comedy, historical movies.
I like figure skating.
I love to swim, preferably in the pool, ride a bike, and fitness.
Yes, of course. It is my favorite flowers.
I like delicate pink ones, it is a fabulous combination of the tenderness of the bud and the danger of thorns.
I love yellow color.
I prefer beige, red ones, but in general, to be honest, it all depends on my mood, I pay attention to fashion trends and what colors suit me.
If I go to work I prefer 100% classic style. When I meet with friends or go to a concert I prefer romantic one. I wear comfortable and sporty clothes when walking in nature.
I enjoy walking around, singing, dancing, reading poetry and books, meet my friends. I like to spend time outdoors in nature, by myself or with friends. I can read a book or poetry. I sing or dance.
I wanted to be a clown. I could finish on this note, otherwise who would call me normal, but no, I will continue, a teacher, an actress, a singer, a model, worker in a toy factory.
I will become a provocative psychologist.
Nothing, everything is going as it should be.
The most vivid impressions were from the flight on the plane and the train ride. Oh, and when I first saw the sea.
I have been to Italy, Spain, Crete, Thailand, Sweden, Finland, Czech Republic, Egypt and Turkey.
I would like to visit Canary islands and see Tenerife. It is the islands of eternal spring. I want to climb inside the volcano, sunbathe on the black sand.
Yes, it is Irina, Irinka, Irusya, Irunya, Irchik, Irene.
I like the Russian, Ukrainian, Japanese, Italian cuisines.
Yes, I do.
Believe it or not, it is a bus ticket.
With one of the most handsome man on the planet - Brad Pitt
Both actively and quietly, it depends on my mood.
I am very impressionable. I also think that anxiety is a bad character trait and sometimes I am a coward.
Phone, money, mirror, nail file, passport.
My dog, mom, teacher at the university, my friend.
When you choose a target, aim higher without fear of hitting the stars.
I love life, I live with love!
Performances at parties and children's concerts at school. When I first visited a children's camp and the sea.
I like to cook cheesecakes and chakhokhbili.
My long hair. I will never cut it short.
Yes, of course.
No, I don't like such places.
More yes than no.
I will choose some quiet place outside the city. A beautiful house in the woods or by the river.
Yes, of course.
No. Such a country does not attract me.
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